Friday, August 13, 2010

White chicken chili

Yeah!  I don't know how it will go, but it should be lighter and brighter anyway...besides, chicken boobies are freekin good.  I wonder if I should write down recipes here for everyone to use??

Here is something I have learned:
-after you get done shopping, cut up all your veggies and fruit so all you have to do is reach in and grab what you want without a lot of mess.  Boil or steam a whole package of chicken breasts, then cut them into strips for salads, soup, etc.  Tupperware has these veggie keeper things with vents.  I can't tell you how much they were.  I got mine for being a Tupperware whore way back when.  This was before I discovered rubber maid disposables (after a good amount of reuse).  Who knew!? PFT! Oh, and prepare your dry beans ahead of time for vegan dishes (lentils, chick peas, beans).  Don't buy canned, too much salt and so much cheaper to buy a big bag full...

Sandie!!!  I'm glad you came and commented!  Thank you for telling your story!  I can't imagine how hard it is dealing with all your stuff.  I absolutely understand why you want to go through the program.  Isn't it funny how we all have our stories.  It makes me wonder why there are some people that find it so hard to judge others without ever knowing the whole story.  There is so much more to us than a cupcake addiction, or anxiety triggered chocolate gluttony.  I'm so glad you shared.  It's nice to know there are more people out there willing to help carry the load.  Oh, and there is a natural herbal treatment for RA that is perfectly safe for anyone to try.  Burning nettle is thought to be an natural anti inflammatory and a cup of tea a day is good for RA.  I would hook you up, but you are supposed to pick the nettle in may and early June.  They are seeding now and the ones by my house are all covered with bugs :(.  I have friends though that cut and use nettle all year round.  You can cook with it, make drinks from it, make dye, hair rinse, it aids in making cheese, all kinds of stuff.  You can buy extract from and use that until it comes in season again, though I have no idea how much that costs.  I've been trying to get my mechanic hubby and his engineer best friend to get together and make me a still so I can make my own distilled extracts, but they drag their feet---pft.  MEN.  I plan on trying it myself since RA runs in my family too as we get older.  My dad sufferers from it really bad.  It would be interesting to see if the sting of nettle on the skin would help RA like bee sting therapy does...Have you heard of bee sting therapy?  It's really inter sting.  It seems that there have been people who suffered from horrible RA, being stung multiple times by bees (like an attack) and the venom from the stings actually killed and cured the RA!  Amazing!  Right now, you can go in and get stung by bees in a controlled hospital environment, but I think it would be really awesome if they could figure out a way to isolate the *whatever* that makes the RA go away in an IV or injectable form...Oh hell, got me started and I'm all in the wrong blog even! 

Anyway, I'm glad your here.  Thank you for seeing me.  Stay in touch so we can keep up on each other's progress!  Aren't you going to school for law enforcement?  Man, I got arrested for an overdue library book once...had to sit in a jail cell and everything...I need to tell you that story in an email once...

1 comment:

  1. You’re a hoot! It is interesting on how people judge. I never judge a book by its cover. I did read your other blog too. You mentioned in either this one or the other one about the library book. I got a good laugh out of that.

    Actually I was already in Law Enforcement, have a degree and training and all that. But when I graduated I was lucky and got in at one of top LE places and stayed in computers there, then decided to go back to school and still in school! Email me at the address I put in your book (not this one I use to get onto the blog - I never check that one :) )

    I never heard of that on nettle, hey I will try someone once, well most things. I would love your recipes- I like to grow my own things. Actually I just read in one of my birds and blooms magazines that the coneflower has Echinacea which is good to boost the immune system and fight infection. Well heck I said I need that one. Not sure I know how to do that but I would try it if I knew how.

    And by the way, the bee thing doesn’t work. I was stung by a bee this summer right on my back, like only the second time i was ever stung. Nope still have RA - and a lump where the dam thing stung me!

    Share some more, email me I would love some of your wild flower, hippie receipes that you make.

